Two students from the Tai Chi and Qi Gong with Fang Association located at the Spire Center for the Performing Arts, participated as America’s Hometown Team during the World Federation Tai Chi Chuan World Cup Tournament held in Taipei, Taiwan. Sherry Malone won seven medals for women competitors, and Peter Trenouth won a divisional gold medal for men. Both Malone and Trenouth are from Plymouth.
Held October 22 and 23, the World Cup hosted nearly 2,000 competitors from 25 nations in performances of all Tai Chi forms. Malone, coached by local Tai Chi master Fang-Chih Lee, entered six events, winning divisional international gold medals in four forms: double sword, broadsword, fan, and the 37-step handset form. Her double sword performance also brought her the world gold medal, the highest award in this event. She also won the silver medal in the world category for her demonstration of the fan form and received a divisional bronze for her performance of the 13-form handset and a fourth place certificate for her 24-form handset.
Trenouth’s divisional gold medal came in the male 37-step form handset. While Malone and Trenouth competed at designated spots within Taipei’s modern sports arena, Fang-Chih Lee was a judge at other events.
The Tai Chi Chuan World Federation holds the World Cup Tournament every other year. Seven judges score each performance, together with one timekeeper and one scorekeeper. Participants compete within divisions for which the three best demonstrations receive medals and the next three receive certificates. The highest awards go to those who earn the greatest scores overall in their event. Malone’s achievement with double sword and fan thrilled the judges.
Lee is very proud of Malone and Trenouth. “We did very well two years ago when ten of my students could attend the World Cup. Sherry and Peter were wonderful this year. In 2018 we will return with a larger team eager to join Tai Chi practitioners from around the world in this festival of harmony and grace.”