I am very happy to recommend “Tai Chi and Chi Gong with Fang” to persons of all ages and varying physical conditions. Even for my age. I am 83 years old.
Fangʼs classes are worth it, just for the surprising physical therapy. At 79 when I began lessons with Fang, I was a physical wreck, I was unable to bend my body
down, or bend my neck to look upwards toward the ceiling, without becoming dizzy. I couldnʼt even squat down to reach the lower shelf in the supermarket. In addition I had painful severely injured hamstrings and I had arthritis in my wrists, hips and knees.
Due to Tai Chi and Chi Gong with Fang, I was sufficiently able to overcome these disabilities by the age of 83,so that I was able to join 11 of my classmates in the 20 nation, 5th Tai Chi World Cup, last October in Taiwan. We took second in the group competition.
In addition, I took fifth place , and received a certificate of excellence, in my solo competition in the sword. It was an open competition for competitors of all ages.
While awards are nice, the real reward for me was that studying with Fang had sufficiently enabled me to overcome many of the physical ailments that come with age to most of us, so that I was able to compete. It is proof that Tai Chi worked for me. And an important thing to remember, is that the awards given by the judges were achieved by our slow flowing motions, not powerful or rapid ones.
And because the goal of Tai Chi is slow, flowing, motions, Tai Chi is available for everyone, regardless of age or physical condition. As a result, it is valuable if the student merely wants to overcome, or minimize, the pain and discomfort of arthritic joints.
But Tai Chi with Fang is much more then that. It is not only always interesting, and a great memory builder, it is an excellent way to calm oneself in the hectic every day world. And best of all, because of the way that Fang teaches, it is fun.
I am very happy to recommend “Tai Chi and Chi Gong with Fang” to persons of all ages and varying physical conditions. Even for my age. I am 83 years old.
Fangʼs classes are worth it, just for the surprising physical therapy. At 79 when I began lessons with Fang, I was a physical wreck, I was unable to bend my body
down, or bend my neck to look upwards toward the ceiling, without becoming dizzy. I couldnʼt even squat down to reach the lower shelf in the supermarket. In addition I had painful severely injured hamstrings and I had arthritis in my wrists, hips and knees.
Due to Tai Chi and Chi Gong with Fang, I was sufficiently able to overcome these disabilities by the age of 83,so that I was able to join 11 of my classmates in the 20 nation, 5th Tai Chi World Cup, last October in Taiwan. We took second in the group competition.
In addition, I took fifth place , and received a certificate of excellence, in my solo competition in the sword. It was an open competition for competitors of all ages.
While awards are nice, the real reward for me was that studying with Fang had sufficiently enabled me to overcome many of the physical ailments that come with age to most of us, so that I was able to compete. It is proof that Tai Chi worked for me. And an important thing to remember, is that the awards given by the judges were achieved by our slow flowing motions, not powerful or rapid ones.
And because the goal of Tai Chi is slow, flowing, motions, Tai Chi is available for everyone, regardless of age or physical condition. As a result, it is valuable if the student merely wants to overcome, or minimize, the pain and discomfort of arthritic joints.
But Tai Chi with Fang is much more then that. It is not only always interesting, and a great memory builder, it is an excellent way to calm oneself in the hectic every day world. And best of all, because of the way that Fang teaches, it is fun.
I am very happy to recommend “Tai Chi and Chi Gong with Fang” to persons of all ages and varying physical conditions. Even for my age. I am 83 years old.
Fangʼs classes are worth it, just for the surprising physical therapy. At 79 when I began lessons with Fang, I was a physical wreck, I was unable to bend my body
down, or bend my neck to look upwards toward the ceiling, without becoming dizzy. I couldnʼt even squat down to reach the lower shelf in the supermarket. In addition I had painful severely injured hamstrings and I had arthritis in my wrists, hips and knees.
Due to Tai Chi and Chi Gong with Fang, I was sufficiently able to overcome these disabilities by the age of 83,so that I was able to join 11 of my classmates in the 20 nation, 5th Tai Chi World Cup, last October in Taiwan. We took second in the group competition.
In addition, I took fifth place , and received a certificate of excellence, in my solo competition in the sword. It was an open competition for competitors of all ages.
While awards are nice, the real reward for me was that studying with Fang had sufficiently enabled me to overcome many of the physical ailments that come with age to most of us, so that I was able to compete. It is proof that Tai Chi worked for me. And an important thing to remember, is that the awards given by the judges were achieved by our slow flowing motions, not powerful or rapid ones.
And because the goal of Tai Chi is slow, flowing, motions, Tai Chi is available for everyone, regardless of age or physical condition. As a result, it is valuable if the student merely wants to overcome, or minimize, the pain and discomfort of arthritic joints.
But Tai Chi with Fang is much more then that. It is not only always interesting, and a great memory builder, it is an excellent way to calm oneself in the hectic every day world. And best of all, because of the way that Fang teaches, it is fun.