Our Tai Chi and Qi Gong classes are open to people of all ages, including children. Recent medical research has shown adults gain improved vitality, physical strength and flexibility, and relief from joint ailments. In addition, Tai Chi and Qi Gong lead to greater confidence and tranquility, memory and balance, and a more resilient immune system. Our students enjoy a profound sense of community within each class.
Tai Chi generates vitality. It emphasizes balance and grace while relaxing body and mind. Students learn precise movements with coordinated breathing that develop supple physical strength, focused concentration, and improved memory.
The word Qi means energy, the cosmic force available to all of us; Gong is the way, the path for studying Qi.
Qi Gong and Tai Chi benefit people with cardiovascular disease, asthma, anxiety, chronic pain, arthritis, and other illnesses. Both harmonize respiration, circulation, and muscle toning to improve mental focus and calmness.
Self-defense classes are taught in three one-hour sessions over three weeks. Their purpose is to empower students with the confidence and skills to protect themselves from an assailant, no matter his or her size, and to escape threatening situations. The techniques learned do not require great physical strength.