Asian Crane Tai Chi Wins Eleven Medals at the 8th Tai Chi Chuan World Cup Championship
Friday, November 10 2023
by Peter Trenouth
The four members of Asian Crane Tai Chi of Plymouth, America’s Home Town Team, were big winners at The World Cup Tournament held in Taipei, Taiwan, on October 28 and 29. Asian Crane’s owner and team coach, Fang Chih Lee, announced the team scored 11 medals in multiple categories and age divisions. Sherry Malone won
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Tai Chi World Cup
Asian Crane Tai Chi Heads to the World Cup
Monday, October 16 2023
by Peter Trenouth
Asian Crane Tai Chi of Plymouth will become team competitors with Full Circle Tai Chi and Qi Gong of Worcester at the Tai Chi Chuan World Federation World Cup Tournament held in Taipei, Taiwan, on October 28 and 29. Fang Chih Lee, master of Asian Crane, is the team’s leader. She’s also coaching the Tai
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Tai Chi World Cup
ArtWeek 2019: Tai Chi and Qi Gong at the Spire Center
Monday, April 08 2019
by Peter Trenouth
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World Tai Chi Day
Friday, April 05 2019
by Peter Trenouth
Asian Crane Tai Chi, LLC, is participating in World Tai Chi and Qi Gong Day, an international celebration Saturday, April 27. Students from the Tai Chi and Qi Gong with Fang Association will be performing from 9:10 – 10:10 AM on the green fronting Plymouth’s Town Hall and the 1820 Courthouse. You are welcome to
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Great Success at 2018 Tai Chi World Cup!
Wednesday, November 28 2018
by Peter Trenouth
For the third time at the most prestigious Tai Chi tournament, students from Plymouth won multiple medals at the Tai Chi Chuan World Federation World Cup held in Taipei, Taiwan, October 27 and 28. Representatives from 30 countries participated, and 30 teams from China, Taiwan, Macau, and Hong Kong joined in the contests. The Plymouth
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Tai Chi World Cup
Recent Research Further Documents Multiple Benefits of Tai Chi
Saturday, September 22 2018
by Peter Trenouth
In her September 10, 2018 Personal Health column in the New York Times, Jane E. Brody writes: “Tai chi moves can be easily learned and executed by people of all ages and states of health, even those in their 90s, in wheelchairs or bedridden.” The results make tai chi practitioners “not only stronger mentally but
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Triumphs at 2016 Tai Chi World Cup
Friday, November 11 2016
by Peter Trenouth
Two students from the Tai Chi and Qi Gong with Fang Association located at the Spire Center for the Performing Arts, participated as America’s Hometown Team during the World Federation Tai Chi Chuan World Cup Tournament held in Taipei, Taiwan. Sherry Malone won seven medals for women competitors, and Peter Trenouth won a divisional gold
Celebration of Tai Chi Health and Wellness Sunday, November 8
Monday, October 19 2015
by Peter Trenouth
The Tai Chi and Qi Gong with Fang Association will showcase a celebration of Tai Chi health and wellness Sunday, November 8, 1:00-2:30, at the Spire Center of the Performing Arts. Performers of all ages, from kids to seniors, will show multiple Tai Chi forms. The informative and entertaining performances are a fundraiser for the
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A Holiday Message from Fang-Chih Lee
Tuesday, November 25 2014
by Peter Trenouth
As I look back on our success at the Tai Chi Chuan World Federation’s World Cup Tournament, I am very grateful to everyone who supported America’s Hometown Team. One way to show my thanks is
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Plymouth Area’s Tai Chi Team Wins Awards in Taiwan
Sunday, November 16 2014
by Peter Trenouth
The America’s Hometown Tai Chi Team exceeded all expectations in its first international competition, the prestigious World Cup Tournament hosted by the Tai Chi Chuan World Federation. Coach Fang-Chih Lee brought eleven of her students from the Plymouth area to participate in the contests held October 18 and 19 in Taipei, Taiwan. In addition to
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Tai Chi World Cup
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