Fang-Chih Lee Interviewed by Boston Voyager
Tuesday, July 12 2022
by Tai Chi with Fang-Chih Lee
Master Fang-Chih Lee was recently interviewed by Boston Read the article here.
- Published in Uncategorized
TCQGFA Profile at
Wednesday, January 17 2018
by Tai Chi with Fang-Chih Lee
Have you seen the profile of Master Fang-Chih Lee and our school at Boston Voyager? Check it out!
- Published in News
Join Tai Chi with Fang at September’s First Saturday, Plymouth
Tuesday, August 05 2014
by Tai Chi with Fang-Chih Lee
Tai Chi & Qi Gong with Fang is joining Plymouth’s First Saturday event this September 6, performing a demonstration at 12 noon on the Old Court House’s lawn, across from the Spire at 25 1/2 Court Street. On the first Saturday of every month, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., you can get a taste
Summer Heating up for America’s Hometown Team
Tuesday, August 05 2014
by Tai Chi with Fang-Chih Lee
Things are getting hot at the Spire for America’s Hometown Team! With just nine weeks left before their trip to Taiwan to compete in the Tai Chi Chuan World Federation World’s Cup, team members are getting in as much practice as possible, refining their individual forms and working in unison on their group forms. The team has
America’s Hometown Team gets Wicked Local
Wednesday, February 19 2014
by Tai Chi with Fang-Chih Lee
TEAM FANG HEADED TO TAIWAN: Plymouth Tai Chi school to compete this fall at fifth World Cup Tai Chi Chuan Championship. Thank you to Emily Clark for a fun interview and great article! Photo courtesy of Wicked Local.
Tai Chi with Fang-Chih Lee moves to Performing Arts Center
Wednesday, January 15 2014
by Tai Chi with Fang-Chih Lee
PLYMOUTH — Fang-Chih Lee and her husband, Peter Trenouth, of Tai Chi & Qi Gong with Fang, have relocated their business from One Park Place to The Spire Center for the Performing Arts at 25 Court St. “This is very exciting for us and for our business and it’s good news for Tai Chi,” Trenouth
Big News for 2014
Monday, December 30 2013
by Tai Chi with Fang-Chih Lee
Master Fang Chih Lee’s global reputation grew when five of her students entered the International Chinese Martial Arts Competition held at the Reggie Lewis Center in Boston September 28, 2013. The students competed in nine Tai Chi events, winning seven gold and two silver medals. When Fang returned to Taiwan to earn her International Coach
A Great Day at ICMAC 2013!
Sunday, September 29 2013
by Tai Chi with Fang-Chih Lee
After weeks of practice and preparation, the payoff for hard work came at the 3rd Annual New England Chinese Martial Arts Championship. Five of our students participated in nine divisions, taking home seven gold and two silver medals! Sherry, Natalie, Kathy, Denise and Reggie competed in Yang Tai Chi, Open Yang Tai Chi, Straight Sword and
2013 New England Kung Fu/Wushu Championship
Wednesday, August 14 2013
by Tai Chi with Fang-Chih Lee
Our students are busy practicing for the 3rd Annual New England Chinese Martial Arts Championship! The tournament will be held on Saturday, September 28, 2013 at Boston’s Reggie Lewis Athletic Center. At last year’s competition, our students brought home five Gold medals, one Silver, and one Bronze. This year, we have several students competing in both Yang-style hand